7 Podcast Episodes to Positively Motivate You in the New Year

january calendar rifle paper co new year's resolutionsHappy 2019 everyone! While I love the holidays, I always feel like New Year’s sneaks up on me and that I’m somehow not prepared for the arbitrary change that is a new cycle of 12 months. While I’m a big proponent of setting goals, tracking, and making lists of everything, I almost never have my resolutions and goals set before the clock strikes midnight. I’ve come to terms with this however, and have been enjoying leisurely mulling on what I’d like my future to look like all week. Because here’s the thing- you can try to make a change ANY DAY in your life. Heck, you can make a change in the next couple of minutes if you really want to. So, whether you start on the 1st, or the 6th (ahem, me) or even next month, you can always start somewhere or sometime.

To keep my 2019 intentions organized, I’ve been tracking my thoughts in my new 2019 bullet journal (post with spreads coming soon!), and finding different sources of inspiration to keep me motivated! While performing this ~research~ I ran into some podcast episodes that either helped me create game plans or just provided some warm fuzzy feelings that align with my mental & emotional goals. I’d like to share them with you! So if you have anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour, I hope listening to these episodes can help motivate and inspire you to live intentionally in 2019 and crush your goals.

Episode 98: It Doesn’t Matter What Size Your Body is- You’ll Never Win

By: The Confidence Project (Christina Montalvo)
Listening time: 25 minutes
For: body confidence & self-love

I was hesitant about this episode at first, given the title. However, once you give it a listen, it all makes sense. Christina speaks candidly about why our views of our own bodies cannot come from other people in a comedic and open way that makes you feel like you’re getting advice from one of your best friends over coffee.

6 Simple Rules for Saving Money

By: Life Kit from NPR
Listening time: 17 minutes
For: financial goals

UGH. I know my parents have been teaching me to save forever, but there’s something about cool sounding strangers telling you to do it that makes it so much more appealing (sorry Mom & Dad). This episode provides 6 tips for saving presented in a way that actually feels attainable. No kidding after listening to this I literally wanted to set automatic transfers to my savings account, look into 401k matching at my job, and totally tackle budget planning. It’s a miracle worker!

Instagram hacks, trends, and secrets…

By: The Influencer Podcast (Julie Solomon)
Listening time: 47 minutes
For: growing your instagram

Instagram is by far my favorite social media platform. I love how the interactions there (besides bots- lol) feel so genuine, and really enjoy using it as a source of inspiration. Fun fact- the majority of the accounts I follow are not people I know. I find that this helps make the platform a positive space for me where I’m less prone to constantly compare. That being said, I would love to grow on there and interact with more likeminded people, so I really enjoyed listening to Julie & Tyler speak about instagram engagement- and how quality is better than quantity.

Little: There May Be a Very Good Explanation for That

By: Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Listening time: 4 minutes
For: organization & seeing more than one side to every story

In this Happier minisode, Gretchen relays a story of Van Halen & their ‘no brown m&ms specification’ while on tour. A quick blurb with a plot twist that will make you think twice about taking everything that comes your way at face value.

Ep. 70: Secrets of Self-Discipline

By: Ideas with Intention hosted by Shannan Scott
Listening time: 23 minutes
For: sticking to goals

This episode covers how you can motivate yourself to make choices to fulfill your goals & intentions (big or small!) and how to align those choices with your values. A perfect listen for when you need to refocus.

Get Started Exercising

By: Life Kit from NPR
Listening time: 16 minutes
For: fitness & health goals

Currently laughing to myself about how I used to complain when my parents had NPR on in the car and now I love to listen to NPR podcasts… ANYWAYS this episode is great for motivating you to move, and understanding that every little bit of movement counts!

5 Trends I Found After Interviewing 100 Successful Women

By: The Goal Digger Podcast
Listening time: 24 minutes
For: ultimate #girlboss motivation

I only just started listening to The Goal Digger Podcast and absolutely love it. On this particular episode, Jenna shares 5 commonalities shared by the incredible women she’s had on her show, and it’s a perfect blurb on motivation, perseverance, authenticity, and overcoming failures.

And with that, I think I’m ready to take on 2019! Until next time,




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7 Positive Podcast Episodes to Motivate You in the New Year and Accomplish your 2019 resolutions and goals!


What are your thoughts? Lemme know below!